Journal of Clinical Microbiology: Parasep & Alcorfix

Journal of Clinical Microbiology: Parasep & Alcorfix

Microscropic examination of feces is a standard laboratory method for diagnosing gastrointestinal parasite infections. In North America, the ova and parasite (O&P) examination is typically performed using stool that is chemically fixed in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and formalin, after which the stool is concentrated by filtration to enhance sensitivity.

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Hospital for Tropical Diseases: Parasep vs. Ridley-Allen

Hospital for Tropical Diseases: Parasep vs. Ridley-Allen

The use of a concentration method by clinical laboratories is essential to increase the sensitivity of finding ova, cysts and larvae in faecal specimens as they may be too scanty to be seen by direct microscopy. The Ridley-Allen modified formol ether sedimentation technique is the method of choice for routine use by most clinical laboratories. This procedure utilises filtration of a faecal...

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Comparison of Zinc Sulphate/Formalin Ether

Comparison of Zinc Sulphate/Formalin Ether

Many techniques have been devised to detect helminth ova and/or protozoan cysts. These may be classified ac­cording to features of manipulation and physical attributes as follows: direct smear (wet saline mounts,with or without stains, and permanently stained mounts); sedimentation, fol­lowed by direct smear; flotation procedures, with or without centri­fugation; and ether sedimentation with...

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Comparison of Two Parasite Concentration Techniques

Comparison of Two Parasite Concentration Techniques

Many techniques have been devised to detect helminth ova and/or protozoan cysts. These may be classified ac­cording to features of manipulation and physical attributes as follows: direct smear (wet saline mounts,with or without stains, and permanently stained mounts); sedimentation, fol­lowed by direct smear; flotation procedures, with or without centri­fugation; and ether sedimentation with...

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